Proposition 19

Property Tax Increases on Primary Residences Proposition 19 will supersede the old rules which limited this exemption to the sale and purchase of a principal residence within the same county (Proposition 60) or between certain counties (Proposition 90) -- but only if the replacement property was of "equal or lesser value" and only one time. Below is  a...

The Impact Of Interest Rates On Your Purchasing Power

The interest rates have a significant impact on your monthly payment. Waiting for a decline in the housing market may not work to your advantage because the rates could increase during that same time and actually increase your monthly payment over purchasing the same home at a higher sales price. Below are several examples of how the rates affect the monthly payments based on various purchase prices....

Actualizacion sobre planes the ayuda para propietarios de casa – Junio 18 2020

¿Cómo manejan los prestamistas / bancos las tolerancias a partir de junio de 2020? A medida que la pandemia de COVID-19 continúa creando estragos en nuestra economía, muchos propietarios optan por buscar alivio a través de las ofertas de indulgencia hipotecaria del prestamista / administrador. Aquí una breve actualización de lo que está sucediendo ahora mientras las personas evalúan sus...

Las Tasas De Intereses Estan Por Los Suelos!

¡No es ningún secreto que ahora estamos viendo las tasas más bajas de la historia! De hecho, un evento monumental. A medida que luchamos contra una pandemia y una contracción económica, El Gobierno Federal ha visto conveniente inyectar dinero en la economía de varias maneras. Una de las estrategias que generalmente funciona para estimular la economía es hacer que el costo de los préstamos sea...

Historical Mortgage Rates – and Today’s Rates

Almost Free Money! It is no secret we are now seeing the lowest rates in history! Indeed a monumental event. As we also battle a pandemic and an economic contraction, the Feds have seen it fit to pump money into the economy in a variety of ways. One of the strategies that usually works to stimulate the economy is to make the cost of borrowing cheap so people can borrow money and spend. GDP is a...

Mortgage Forbearance Update #4

How are lenders/servicers handling forbearances as of June 2020? How are lenders/servicers handling forbearances as of June 2020? As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to create havoc in our economy, many homeowners are opting to seek relief through mortgage forbearances offers by the lender/servicer.  Here is a brief update on what's happening now as people evaluate their options. Some have...

testimonial Hugo Wang

Testimonial – Buyer

Buyer - 37798 Apache Dr. Murrieta, CA Ana Thigpen has been consistent and persistent in her engagement with potential customers like me. It has been two years since my previous realtor at another state recommended Ana and connected Ana with me before we actually started to do business together.Ana is ready to answer my questions almost any time of the day." Hugo...

2019 Client Appreciation Event

 Every year for nearly a decade, I have held an event to celebrate the great relationship that I have with so many of those who have trusted me with their Real Estate needs and goals. The number of people grows every year. I am humbled and grateful to those who not only allow me to be of service when selling or buying a home but also refer me to friends and family. Each year's event gives me the...

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