Feb 2024 Mid-Month Inland Empire Real Estate Market Update

As we progress into 2024, we are keeping a keen eye on the Inland Empire Real Estate Market for you. In today’s update, we are going to cover recent trends in both Real Estate and Mortgage Rates. We know that fluctuating mortgage rates connected to broader economic indicators heavily influence the real estate market. The Inland Empire, known for affordable housing options, is also impacted. Higher mortgage rates, as compared to previous years and projections of gradual decreases in 2024 suggest cautious optimism. Buyers may find opportunities, while sellers might need to rethink strategies of the recent past. Staying up-to-date and being agile is key if you are thinking of making a move in the Inland Empire right now. The better you understand the factors at play, the more prepared homebuyers and sellers will be to overcome challenges in the year ahead.

Understanding the Mortgage Environment in 2024

Since the beginning of 2024, interest rates have been staying in a narrow range, hovering about 7%. That’s a relatively significant improvement from the 20+ year peak of 8% we saw in mid-October of 2023.

Key Factors Influencing Mortgage Rates

Several factors, such as the state of the economy, will influence the cost of borrowing money to buy a home. Knowing how these factors work together can be very helpful for anyone who wants to make intelligent decisions in the real estate market.

  • Federal Funds Rate: The federal funds rate, set by the Federal Reserve, is a critical benchmark for short-term interest rates, including the rates banks charge each other for overnight loans. Movements in this rate can influence mortgage rates, albeit indirectly, as lenders adjust their rates to align with changes in the cost of borrowing​​.
  • Bond Market Trends: The bond market, particularly the yield on 10-year Treasury bonds, serves as a key indicator for mortgage rates. Typically, mortgage rates tend to move in tandem with these bond yields; when investors demand higher yields, mortgage rates often rise, reflecting broader expectations about inflation and economic growth​​.
  • Inflation: Inflation’s role in the dynamics of mortgage rates cannot be overstated. High inflation usually prompts lenders to increase rates to maintain their profit margins. Conversely, in periods of low inflation, mortgage rates can remain stable or even decrease, making borrowing more affordable​.
  • Credit Scores: Individual borrower’s credit scores also play a pivotal role in determining mortgage rates. Those with higher credit scores are often eligible for lower rates due to being perceived as lower risk. This individual factor underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy credit profile when seeking a mortgage​​.

By closely monitoring these factors, we can work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for all parties involved.

Where Are Rates Headed in 2024?

As we look towards the rest of 2024, expert opinions and analyses provide valuable insights into the expected trends in mortgage rates.

  • Expert Analysis: Top analysts from financial institutions and real estate organizations have closely monitored the factors outlined above to forecast the short-term future of mortgage rates. The consensus suggests cautious optimism, with many predicting that rates may decrease further over the coming months. This outlook is grounded in expectations of policy adjustments by the Federal Reserve, stabilization in the bond market, and a moderated inflation rate​​​​.

  • What this Means for the Real Estate Market: For the Inland Empire and beyond, these predictions indicate a potential shift from the high rates experienced recently. A gradual decrease in mortgage rates may very well stimulate the real estate market by improving affordability and encouraging buyers on the sidelines to dip their toes into the market. However, I want to caution you that this may be a slow process, encouraging prospective buyers and sellers to plan accordingly​​.

In summary, mortgage rates are influenced by various factors, from macroeconomic indicators like the federal funds rate and inflation to personal elements such as credit scores. While the outlook for mortgage rates indicates a possible easing, the process will require careful consideration, informed by understanding these key factors and paying attention to expert predictions.

Impact on Homebuyers

Homebuyers are facing a challenging Inland Empire Real Estate Market in 2024, largely influenced by mortgage rates. Higher mortgage rates recently have introduced several hurdles for prospective buyers, notably affecting affordability and the availability of inventory.

  • Affordability: As mortgage rates climb, the cost of borrowing increases correspondingly. This uptick directly impacts homebuyers’ purchasing power, making it more challenging to afford homes in their desired locations. Higher monthly payments may force buyers to look at less expensive properties or delay purchasing altogether​​​​.
  • Inventory Availability: The current mortgage rates also influence the inventory available on the market. Many potential sellers are opting to hold onto their properties, deterred by the prospect of securing a new mortgage at a higher rate—this phenomenon, known as the “lock-in effect,” contributes to a shortage in inventory. With fewer homes on the market, buyers face limited choices, often leading to competitive bidding situations in desirable areas​​.

Strategies for Dealing With High Rates

Despite the current challenges, there are several strategies homebuyers can utilize to navigate the current mortgage rate environment effectively:

  • Pre-approval: Getting your mortgage pre-approval is more important than ever. A pre-approval letter from a lender clarifies your budget and strengthens your offer in the eyes of sellers, giving you a competitive edge. In a market where inventory is tight, being able to move quickly and confidently can make a significant difference in the outcome of your offer​​.
  • Considering Future Refinancing Options: For buyers who choose to purchase during a period of higher rates, exploring future refinancing options can provide an opportunity to lower payments down the line. While you may end up with a mortgage at a higher rate now, buyers should keep an eye on mortgage rate changes and be prepared to refinance when rates drop. This strategy requires a long-term perspective and an understanding that initial higher payments could be temporary if refinancing is timed correctly​​.
  • Considering Various Mortgage Products: Different types of mortgages may offer more favorable terms or rates, depending on the market situation and your financial status. For instance, adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) could be a viable option for those expecting to move or refinance before the rate adjusts. Buyers should discuss with their lenders or financial advisors to understand which mortgage product best suits their needs and financial goals.
  • Negotiation and Flexibility: In a market impacted by high rates, being open to negotiation and flexible with your requirements can also be beneficial. This might mean considering different locations, property types, or conceding on certain “must-haves.” Additionally, sellers may be more open to negotiating prices or covering closing costs in a slower market.

The Inland Empire real estate market for home buyers in 2024 requires a blend of strategic planning, financial savvy, and adaptability. By understanding the challenges and using effective strategies, buyers can position themselves to make favorable decisions, even in the face of the current higher mortgage rates.

Impact on Sellers

High mortgage rates are reshaping the market for sellers in several ways, particularly through the “lock-in effect” which is resulting in inventory shortages. These elements profoundly impact how sellers approach the market in 2024.

  • The “Lock-in Effect”: Sellers who locked-in mortgages at historically low rates during the mortgage refinance craze are now hesitant to enter the market as sellers, fearing they’ll have to take out a new mortgage at a significantly higher rate for their next home. This reluctance contributes to a reduced inventory of homes for sale, since many sellers are deciding to stay put rather than list their properties​​.
  • Inventory Shortages: With fewer homes on the market due to the lock-in effect, sellers here in the Inland Empire themselves in a more advantageous position due to limited competition. However, the overall slowdown in market activity can also mean that properties may take longer to sell, especially if they are not priced or marketed effectively​​.

Selling Strategies in Today’s Rate Environment

In order to make the most of the current real estate market in the Inland Empire, sellers can use some effective strategies to navigate the market effectively.

  • Pricing Strategies: Setting the right price is particularly important in today’s rate environment. Sellers should work closely with their real estate agents to analyze comparable sales in their area and set a competitive price that reflects current market conditions. An overpriced home may stay longer on the market, while a competitively priced property can attract more interest and potentially multiple offers​​.
  • Market Timing: While traditional wisdom suggests spring and summer as the best times to sell, market dynamics can shift, especially in a fluctuating mortgage rate environment. Sellers should stay informed about local market trends and consider timing their sale for when buyer demand is higher, even if it falls outside the traditional peak season. This strategy requires flexibility and an understanding of local market conditions​​.
  • Preparation and Staging: In a market where buyers may be more selective, making a strong first impression is key. Sellers should consider investing in minor repairs, updates, and staging to make their property stand out. A well-presented home can not only attract more interest but also potentially command a higher selling price.
  • Offer Incentives: To make their property more appealing, sellers might consider offering incentives such as covering closing costs, rate buy downs, or offering a credit for home improvements. Such incentives can be particularly appealing to buyers who are stretching their budgets in a high-rate environment.

By understanding the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the current mortgage rate environment, sellers can position their properties effectively to attract buyers. Adopting a strategic approach to pricing, timing, and presentation can help sellers effectively deal with these complex market factors successfully.

The Inland Empire Real Estate Market

The Inland Empire, encompassing Riverside and San Bernardino counties, has a real estate market uniquely responsive to national mortgage and market movements. This region has historically offered more affordable housing options than its coastal neighbors, attracting first-time homebuyers and investors. However, the local market is influenced by the broader mortgage rate environment and economic factors.

  • Sensitivity to Mortgage Rates: Given its position as a more affordable alternative to the Los Angeles and Orange counties, the Inland Empire’s real estate market is particularly sensitive to shifts in mortgage rates. As rates increase, the affordability advantage of the area can diminish, impacting demand and potentially slowing market growth. Conversely, when rates are favorable, the region can experience a surge in demand, driving up prices and reducing inventory levels.
  • Migration Trends: The Inland Empire has benefited from a trend of outmigration from more expensive areas in Southern California. As remote work has become more prevalent, the demand for homes in the area has increased, further influenced by the broader desire for more spacious living environments post-pandemic.

Opportunities in the Inland Empire

Despite the challenges of high mortgage rates, the Inland Empire still presents a significant opportunity for buyers and sellers. The demand for housing and the region’s growth potential make it an attractive market.

  • Demand for Housing: The ongoing demand for more affordable, spacious housing options continues to drive interest in the Inland Empire. Families looking for larger homes with yards, as well as individuals seeking to escape the higher costs of living closer to the coast, find the region appealing. This steady demand supports the market, even in times of economic uncertainty or fluctuating mortgage rates.
  • Growth Potential: The Inland Empire is poised for continued growth, thanks to its relative affordability, expanding logistics and manufacturing sectors, and ongoing investments in infrastructure. These factors contribute to job growth, which in turn supports the real estate market by attracting new residents and encouraging existing residents to upgrade their living situations.
  • Attractiveness to Buyers and Sellers: For buyers, the Inland Empire offers the chance to own a home at a more accessible price point than many other parts of Southern California. Sellers, on the other hand, can benefit from the strong demand, particularly if they’re offering homes that meet the desires of today’s buyers: space, modern amenities, and access to outdoor activities.

Both national trends and local factors influence the Inland Empire’s real estate market. While challenges exist, particularly related to affordability and inventory, the region’s growth potential and ongoing demand make it an area ripe with opportunities for buyers and sellers. 

Tips for Navigating the Market

For Buyers

In the current real estate environment, buyers may be hesitant, waiting for mortgage rates to lower before making a purchase. However, there are several reasons why waiting might not be the best strategy:

  • Market Predictability: Mortgage rates are influenced by a myriad of complex factors, making them unpredictable. Waiting for rates to decrease significantly could result in missing out on suitable properties, especially in areas like the Inland Empire where demand remains robust despite fluctuating rates​​​​.
  • Building Equity: Buying in the current market allows homeowners to start building equity sooner rather than later. With property values in many regions on an upward trend, the sooner you buy, the sooner you can benefit from home appreciation.
  • Refinancing Opportunities: If mortgage rates decrease in the future, refinancing options could allow you to benefit from lower rates down the line. This strategy requires understanding the refinancing process and keeping abreast of market trends to time your refinancing effectively​​.
  • Long-term Perspective: Real estate should be viewed as a long-term investment. Short-term fluctuations in mortgage rates are less impactful when considering the long-term potential for property value appreciation and the personal value of homeownership.

For Sellers

Sellers in the current market face their own set of challenges, particularly with high mortgage rates potentially cooling buyer interest. However, there are strategies to capitalize on the current demand:

  • Competitive Pricing: Setting a competitive price for your home is crucial. Work with a knowledgeable real estate agent to analyze comparable sales in your area and price your property accordingly to attract serious buyers​​.
  • Highlighting Desirable Features: With buyers looking for value in every purchase, highlighting your home’s unique features, upgrades, or desirable location can make it stand out in the market. Consider investing in professional photography or staging to showcase your home in the best light.
  • Flexibility with Offers: Being open to negotiation on price, closing costs, or other terms can make your property more attractive to buyers concerned about affordability in a high-rate environment. This flexibility can lead to a quicker sale and potentially better terms.
  • Timing the Market: While traditional selling seasons still apply, being aware of local market conditions and buyer demand can help you time your sale more effectively. Sometimes, selling off-peak can result in less competition and more attention from serious buyers.

By adopting a proactive and informed approach, both buyers and sellers can face the complexities of the current real estate market. For buyers, the emphasis should be on seizing opportunities despite higher rates, while sellers can focus on leveraging demand and presenting their properties attractively. In both cases, working with real estate professionals who understand the nuances of the local market, like the Inland Empire, can provide invaluable guidance and insight.


Throughout this analysis of the 2024 mortgage environment and its impact on the Inland Empire’s real estate market, several key points should be noted:

  • Mortgage Rates: The effect of the federal funds rate, bond market trends, inflation, and individual credit scores continues to shape mortgage rates in 2024. Despite the challenges of higher rates, opportunities for buyers and sellers remain, underscored by the potential for rates to continue decreasing​​​​.
  • Buyer Strategies: For buyers, the emphasis has been on the importance of not waiting for rates to lower. Instead, it may be prudent to seize current opportunities, consider long-term homeownership benefits, and remain open to refinancing down the road​​.
  • Seller Adaptation: Sellers are encouraged to adapt by pricing competitively, highlighting their property’s desirable features, and remaining flexible in negotiations. Understanding market timing and leveraging current demand can boost successful transactions​​.
  • The Inland Empire’s Unique Position: This region’s real estate market reflects broader trends but also possesses unique attributes, such as its appeal to those seeking more affordable housing options outside of major urban centers. Its growth potential and the ongoing demand for housing position it as an attractive market for both buyers and sellers.

The current market in the Inland Empire, with its changing mortgage rates and buyer-seller dynamics, is complex yet manageable. For those navigating this market, it’s critical to make decisions based on a clear understanding of the 2024 mortgage environment and local market trends.

What To Do Next

For those looking to make a move in the Inland Empire’s real estate market, consulting with a real estate professional can provide personalized advice specific to your specific circumstances. Whether you’re buying, selling, or simply exploring your options, a professional can offer insights that align with your long-term goals and current market conditions. 

My team and I are here to help you make sense of this market in the Inland Empire. Feel free to reach out and schedule a time to get together and help you make your next move your best move yet!

Picture of Ana Thigpen

Ana Thigpen

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